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rely on reliance

rely on reliance is a duet that specifically explores the struggles of an unhealthy relationship between an independent and a dependent person. I like to believe everyone has settled into one of these roles in a previous or current romantic, family, or friend relationship. Regardless of the role being played, you tend to see the trends of frustration, sadness, anger, disappointment, and emptiness from both parties. With that being said, throughout this process of creating this work I began leaning towards the belief that this type of unhealthy relationship reveals a larger co-dependency issue instead of an independent vs dependent issue. rely on reliance was created in 2018.


rely on reliance

Sometimes Y


Sometimes Y is a group modern piece. The movement and intent stems from the research of recognizing the common behaviors and habits of first time readers, writers, and speakers along with first time movers or dancers. Often times people will react to this first time experience with fear, anxiety, caution, and judgement. The piece explores the individual and community viewpoint on how to cope the some of these emotions through movement. Sometimes Y was created in 2019.


Periodt is a dance video that was made in 2021. This piece was created to celebrate powerful black femme energy. The movement explore various styles stemming from the African Diaspora. This piece is meant highlight joy, sisterhood, fierceness, and being unapologetically black.

The Time is Now (Film)

The Time is Now is a dance film that was created in 2020. This piece is a call to action for all BIPOC and BIPOC allies to put in the necessary work to help make America more inclusive, less prejudice, more tolerant, less harmful to various minority groups, and more peaceful and harmonious for everyone. The movement represents the urgency to find resources and opportunities to help break the racism in this country, the power people have by sticking together for a greater cause, the acknowledgment that time can not be wasted in order of us to progress as a country, and the courage it takes to stand for equality loud and proud. 

The Time is Now (Live)

The Time is Now was originally a dance film created in 2020 and has been transformed into a live performance in 2021. This piece is a call to action for all BIPOC and BIPOC allies to put in the necessary work to help make America more inclusive, less prejudice, more tolerant, less harmful to various minority groups, and more peaceful and harmonious for everyone. The movement represents the urgency to find resources and opportunities to help break the racism in this country, the power people have by sticking together for a greater cause, the acknowledgment that time can not be wasted in order of us to progress as a country, and the courage it takes to stand for equality loud and proud.

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